Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another reason why I never check the mail

perhaps my new profile pic for everything always

Star Wars inspired

Thirty-four years ago today, the movie was released. 

A 3-year old explains Star Wars

 Never knew what they were a part of.

 Best sleeping bag ever? You thought they smelled bad on the outside.

Private moments.  Who knew Vader read magazines on parenting?

This is great. Awkward start to the interview but they are completely talking about the trilogy that would come out seventeen years later and the confusion everyone would have.

She knows exactly how to ride a roller coaster.

Take a minute and enjoy the view. 
(you effin perv)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello, Randomz

You shall have your golden crown

I Love Westeros

Pre-historic social networks

Wow. Who remembers these?


The point is that she is moving on. 
You do the same and hey, you might catch her one day.

But if you keep running in place, you will find that she’s long gone. 
She loves you, but she’s got to live her life. 

People change. You ought to try it some time.