Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy

It is rather mind boggling when you are told by a therapist, (we will call him Therapist 6), that he has determined you to be both OCD and ADHD. Combined. Like that works. Apparently, it does. This means that I am easily distracted but when I do find myself focused on something usually meaningless, I can hone in on it like dog on his favorite leg.

After years of living with this knowledge, I believe I am no more in control of it than when I found out.  How often does one need to repeat himself in conversation just to make sure that he framed his point in exactly the right way...even after he did a fairly decent presentation the  first time?  Typically, I find that the number of  repeated conversations also seem to coincide with the ounces of alcohol consumed beforehand.  But, no matter, it is just one little example of my apparent OCD.  It is not on par with Nicholson in "As Good As It Gets", but it is rather annoying just the same. 

As for Adult ADHD, well now that is as commonplace these days as owning an iPod.  Therefore, I feel rather accepted and natural with this bit of diagnosis.  Besides, I find that I am so easily distracted these days that...that...well, that I have restarted this post three times between watching LOST on Hulu and checking on my crops in Farmville!

So, as I chronicle my ridonkulous exploits, just remember the seven letters that create most of my behavioral patterns. O-C-D...A-D... ehh the rest of it

Enjoy my theme song for life from Lit 
I am my own worst enemy

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